
Monday, September 9, 2013

A Fun School Visit!

I've lived in this area for quite a while, and for the first time had the 
opportunity to visit St. John the Evangelist School, with students ranging
from Pre-K through 8th Grade.  They invited me to join them for Author Day,
and I truly enjoyed meeting the delightful children and faculty.

I met with the students in two groups, starting with Pre-K - 3rd Grade.  
We talked about what it means to be an Author/Illustrator, 
and discussed my art style in Away We Go!, drawing with shapes.  
The children were adorable and eager to participate.  I was impressed!

The second presentation was with the amazing 4th - 8th Graders.
What a great group of kids!  I shared my children's book process, 
and how to develop an idea and get it published.   
They were fun to talk with and had lots to add to the discussion. 

These illustrators were ready to work on their own drawings,
creating animals and vehicles using only shapes.

I invited the students to submit their shape creations for an art contest.
All the drawings were very creative, so I decided everyone is a winner!

Wow!  How great are these drawings from the lower grades?
Good job Emily, Luke and Tiffany!

And the creativity continues, with the upper grades.
Well done Emma, Alice, Matthew, Nicolas and Maggie!

I made a bunch of sketchbooks to deliver to all the talented winners!

I hope the children enjoyed my visit as much as I enjoyed 
spending time with them.  It was a big treat for me!


  1. Wow! Great to see the younger generation so enthusiastic about the process of making books!

  2. Hi Maureen, I was pleasantly surprised! :)

  3. Really enjoyed seeing the pics and all those bright eager faces. =)

    1. Hi Leandra, thanks for stopping by. The kids were really adorable. :)

  4. What a great school visit! I hope the students were inspired to write and create!

    1. Thanks Lovingmama! It was really fun to see the kids' shape creations.

  5. I'm sorry, but I may have to steal your sketchbook idea if I need promotional items in the future. Ha, ha, ha! I have given out 8 page 3"x3" coloring books before. People liked them so much I started selling them. :)
