Yay! I'm super excited to have Away We Go! preschool activities
and party printables up on my website. Enjoy Away We Go! story-time with
your little ones, followed by fun shapes and transportation projects.
Check out the coloring, cut and paste, counting, and matching activities.
and party printables up on my website. Enjoy Away We Go! story-time with
your little ones, followed by fun shapes and transportation projects.
Check out the coloring, cut and paste, counting, and matching activities.

Print the activities and party printables to your heart's content.
If you have an Away We Go! celebration, please do share!
Great fun for birthdays, baby showers, transportation, and preschool events.
Be sure to lay down wax paper over the printable before beginning.
Strawberries make good heart shapes, and these stars are baby cereal puffs.
I also spotted some star-shaped crackers at the grocery store.
I also spotted some star-shaped crackers at the grocery store.

Don't forget the crafts! Candy airplanes are cute, and very easy to make.
The shapes highlighted here are circles, rectangles, and squares.
Using foam sheets, cut out a 2 3/4" x 4" rectangle, and a triangle sail.
Cut 7 slits, each a centimeter apart, as seen in the photo.
Be careful not to cut too close to the edge. Have your little sailors weave
three crafts sticks (4 3/8" long), and attach the triangle sail.
three crafts sticks (4 3/8" long), and attach the triangle sail.

Let kids be creative, gluing shapes together to make colorful,
shapely transportation vehicles. Here are samples of
a spaceship, ice cream truck, and train.
Have a shapetastic time reading Away We Go! with the kiddos,
and getting creative with shapes and transportation!
and getting creative with shapes and transportation!